Sunday, May 15, 2011

How does technology fit into my personal philosophy of education?

My personal philosophy of education is one that is forever evolving and child-centered.  Teachers should be consciously progressive in the teaching techniques, as well as the forms of technology, they are using year after year in order to ensure student progress, self-motivation, self-advocacy, and an ability to see the “big picture.”   This “picture” in large part is due to the fact that more and more students are spending large parts of their school day using technology: an always-progressing educational tool.  Students should be maximizing their learning while embracing technology across the curriculum, which in turn creates a more engaged student.  The combination of learning and technology is proof positive that students learning opportunities will then transition them seamlessly into any future endeavor as technology secures its place as an integral part of our world. 


  1. I too find that technology does create a more engaged student. They use it so much outside of school that it is very difficult to ignore it inside school. Trying to find interesting ways to incorporate it into the curriculum is a constant battle. Any good suggestions that you have used in your classroom?

  2. I think technology makes it much easier for us to engage our students. Some rather go on the internet and read an article than have it in paper form. Paper is less cool. ;) In addition, students (or at least those who I have observed) tend to become more involved when technology is made available for the completion of a project, for example. I believe it has to do with the fact that students take ownership of what they do- it is their research, it is their data analysis, and their choice of how to manage, make sense, or display the information they have found.

  3. I agree that learning should be student-centered. Certainly not all students learn the same. It is important for us as teachers to be open to learning other methods to reach more students. Technology is an additional tool to reach more learners.

    I agree with making learning more engaging for some, but, at what cost?

    I think to help the whole child to fully develop, we need to balance technology with humanity. Social skills are learned face-to-face.

    I love to read, and explore technology, but kids will spend all day on tv and computers if their parents don't set limits.

    That goes for teachers too.

  4. One of the ongoing challenges facing teachers I think is choosing the right tools and using them effectively to, as you say, maximize student learning. The technologies don't do it by themselves, or, as Kathy cautions, they engage, but without learning taking place.

